Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A family member

In this post I have to talk about a family member, which is difficult to choose because everyone has a lot of interesting family members to talk about. But in this case I'm not going to talk about the best, more successful or the more interesting; I'm going to talk about my mom. Obviously I didn't say that she isn't.

For me my mother is the most important person in the world because she gives me the life, thanks to her I can live in this world and enjoy everyday. Besides she gave me the life, everyday she tech me how to live with responsibility and values.  In my family we tend to be respectful to each other, so when we were child (my brother and me) my parents taught us about values. In our home family values are rules or ideals that, as a family, we agree to live by and stay true to. Some of those values that I never forget and also I use everyday are respect, flexibility, honesty, forgiveness, generosity among others.

My mom has been in charge to tech me all those important things and every time that I need her she is here for me to help me, to advise me, to console me and all that a normal child needs to learn about life.

It’s really important to thank her everyday because my mother is a woman who makes every effort to give me everything and need and not only this, also everything I want. I know some times there are fights because this is normal in a mom-daughter relationship, but we have to be patient and act with maturity, and never forget she give it all for you because you will never know how much she loves you!!!

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