Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nature vs. Nature

Men and women are very different, beginning with how they look like and how they act. I think we're different because that's the way how the world must work, you know what I'm talking about: girls and boys get together to reproduce themselves and in that way can continue the life cycle. But really what I want to talk about is the personality and the way to think of them, why we act different? why we think different?

There are a few things that I think make us be in this certain way, for example: the society is something that affect in our lives strongly, and in the society there are stereotypes which says what is the correct way to be a woman or a man. The woman supposed to be delicate, affectionate, feminine, sentimental, sensitive, etc, and men supposed to be brave, hard-worker, joker, strong, athletic, competitive, etc. But as I said, there are just stereotypes, beliefs that could or couldn't be truth. Because in the world you can see a lot of athletic women, or affectionate men, and this isn't what the stereotype says.

Also the way to act is developed at home. It depends too much how your parents teach you how you should be, in every home it's different. But particulary the personality is something you get while you are growing both physical and psychological, and can be a lot of stereotypes but everyone develops a different way to think, to act or to be

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hideous clown

I can remember my worst frightening experience as if it were yesterday. I know I was very young and now it isn’t scary as It really was, but for me it’s something that made a mark on my life, because thanks to that I really hate circus, well not really It’s about circus.. It’s about the scarier thing in this place THE CLOWNS

Since I was little I loved going to the circus. I enjoyed watching the performances, the wonderful actors and actresses, watching the incredible maneuvers that made the animals, etc. But every time that the monsters (the clown) appear I closed my eyes because I was afraid to him. This pale face, this horrible red nose, this frightening big mouse, this hideous colorful hair, and the thing that I most hate, the fake humor that’s he thinks make me laugh. In conclusion: I HATE ALL ABOUT CLOWNS.

Well, finishing talking about my hate to the clowns, I’m going to tell you my scary experience. One day my parents decide to go on vacation them alone. And it suppose to be my grandma would take care of me, but for any reason she couldn’t and my mom take me to one of her friend’s house because she offered herself to do it.

clown teeth nose black picture and wallpaperWhen I arrived to the house, my mom and I entered and she was telling to Marcela (my mom’s friend) what she had to do and this things. My mom left and I stayed here. She told me I could go to the room where I am going to sleep, and she explained me where it is, I remember she told me "walk through the corridor and in the end make a left, here is the room and the bathroom if you need it". I said thank you and I was in front of the dark corridor, I used to be afraid of the dark in this time. So I took a deep breath and I started walking. In the corridor's wall had millions and millions of clown pictures, you can imagine how I was looking at this hideous pictures, I just wanted to die only thinking I had to sleep in there.

Finally I arrived to the room and I locked the door. I was very scared. Forty minutes after Marcela knocked the door and asked me if everything was alright. And also told me If I can open the door, she wanted to tell me something because she was leaving to work. When I opened the door my surprise she was wearing a clown costume.

I just can remember I woke up and my mom and my dad were there. She has to call my mom because I fainted and she didn't know why, my mom obviously does. It was because saw this clown made me felt so scared and before it I alright was. So this end was enough to fall in the floor. It was really horrible and frightening. I don't want to see a clown again.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A family member

In this post I have to talk about a family member, which is difficult to choose because everyone has a lot of interesting family members to talk about. But in this case I'm not going to talk about the best, more successful or the more interesting; I'm going to talk about my mom. Obviously I didn't say that she isn't.

For me my mother is the most important person in the world because she gives me the life, thanks to her I can live in this world and enjoy everyday. Besides she gave me the life, everyday she tech me how to live with responsibility and values.  In my family we tend to be respectful to each other, so when we were child (my brother and me) my parents taught us about values. In our home family values are rules or ideals that, as a family, we agree to live by and stay true to. Some of those values that I never forget and also I use everyday are respect, flexibility, honesty, forgiveness, generosity among others.

My mom has been in charge to tech me all those important things and every time that I need her she is here for me to help me, to advise me, to console me and all that a normal child needs to learn about life.

It’s really important to thank her everyday because my mother is a woman who makes every effort to give me everything and need and not only this, also everything I want. I know some times there are fights because this is normal in a mom-daughter relationship, but we have to be patient and act with maturity, and never forget she give it all for you because you will never know how much she loves you!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A life goal

Everybody has a dream or something to achieve in the life because this is the life's point. My main goal in my life It's obviously be a successful person who has a good work, a good husband and a happy family. Who doesn't want this?

Well, but this post is about an specific goal in the life, something that you really want to do before die. When I grow up I hope get married with a adventurous guy, I want to have two children. When I already have my family I want to spend our free time and holidays traveling around the world, but I'm not talking about simple travels. I want that our vacations are adventurous, I want to claim a mountain, I want to visit the Machu Piccu, I want to go to an African safari or to the Taj Mahal. Also I'd like to camp in the Amazon and visit the desert. Actually I want to visit all the interesting places in the world with my family and do together extremes things.

I'd like to visit the most exotic places like Indonesia, Egypt, Thailand, Hawaii and other places. Also I want that my children knows the most important landmarks because I want they know about culture.

The first thing that I want to do is a familiar adventure in the Alps and go skiing in a amazing mountain because I love skiing  

I know I have to work hard to achieve all of this, but I think when a person wants something he can achieve :D

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


When we listen the word "Job" the firts though that comes to mind is "well, that's something I have to do everyday I like it or not, owing to without working I won't have money so I couldn't survive", in the most cases.  The most people try to find a job wich love and enjoy working on that everyday because, can you imagine working all days in something you hate??? No way!! It's impossible..

Well, for me I'ts so important work in something really awesome because It will be my whole life. Now I'm a graduate and I'm not yet going to university but I'm going to start it next year. I chose the architecture career, It will last 5 years. Everybody tell me "this is a exhausting career, and also one of the most stressful", but I really don't care because I just want to be an ARCHITECT

In my opinion, not everyone can do this work. An architec have to be a responsible and clean person. The people that choose this job always are meticulous and hard-working because always you have to finish perfectly your job. Creativity and imagination should not fail for this work, the person who choose it have to be open-mind and very communicative and sociable in view that the architects have to be connected with the environment and the people who lives in it.

Talking about it, I think I can do it, or well I'll try. After end my career I want to do a master in other country, I was thinking in Italy because this country has an amazing and beautiful architecture and I really want to know all about it. And well, when I finish my studies, I wish start my own company with other specialist like engineers and constructors and then do a lot of awesome projects, obviously being I the official designer of everything. I would like to do differents designs like others and I know I'll work hard on it because It's my dream.

Also, I know this is a well-paid job and I love money. For me is satisfying and exciting do something that I love and where I get money, but firts there are many things that I have to improve, I have to be more organised and responsible and also be more open-mind as to the creativity, and I'm going to work on that to can fulfill my dream. I always think "In a future I'll be a recognized architect and I'll build at least one famous and amazing building, or something like that" haha!..

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life in 2030

The future is something about everybody want to know how it will be. Everybody think in the future we will have robots doing our meals or clening our houses. Also the people think we going to have an airplane to fly to job or a  teleportation machine to can be wherever we want.

In my opinion, the people are expecting much than it will be, because if we are talking about 2030, this future is closer than you are thinking. Maybe we going to have an advanced technology that help us to do things that we never imagined at this time.

When I think in the future, I don't think about the robots or in the fantastic machines that we will have, absolutly I think in the problems that we will have if we don't do anything to our planet. People only speak about the global warming today, in the school, in the job, even many advertisement  are about contamination and global warming. This it a very important topic because we are talking about our planet, the earth, the place where you live and where your children will live.

In the world exist three kinds of people, obviously talking about this topic. The first one is the people that don't have any idea about the global warming and are completly ignorant with that. The people that know what is it and have some idea about what will happen in the future is the people that ranks in the second place. And finally the third kind of people who are responsible for promoting all the information about the global warming, the causes and effects of it and what can we do to stop it.

There are many things we can do to help with the evironment, maybe you going to think it is a smaller thing but belive me, this little thing will help too much. If  everyboday could do something the effect would change. That mean we have the power to do a little change for the future, that absolutly is our future.

Some effects could happen in the future if warming continues: ice will melt worldwide, presipitation will increase, sea level will rise, floods and droughts will become more common and others horribles thing will happen. So do you want this for your LIFE IN 2030???

REMEMBER. You can help the planet to be better :)