Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dark but special

This is the history about something  that happened to me. One year ago, i was in my house in the morning, i was going to take a shower. when i was in the bathroom, I was in front of the mirrow when I saw something that walked behind me. I went round to see and I couldn't saw anything. I was very scary but I don't to worry about that and I continued my shower.

After shower i walked to my room to dress me and my door closed very strong, I grabbed my phone to call my brother because i was scary and in this moment I had a call for my neighbor, he were the father of a little kid that lived in my street that had cancer, and he was called me to said me that his son had died this morning.

We were very friends, and i think he went to my house to say me Goodbye!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Zebras are African equids best known for their distinctive black and white stripes. Their stripes come in different patterns unique to each individual. There are 3 species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grévy's zebra and the mountain zebra.

Zebras feed almost entirely on grasses, but may occasionally eat shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves and bark. Their digestive systems allow them to subsist on diets of lower nutritional quality than that necessary for other herbivores. The common plains zebra is about 1.3 m at the shoulder with a body ranging from 2–2.6 m long with an 0.5 m tail. It can weigh up to 350 kg, males being slightly bigger than females

Female zebras mature earlier than the males, and a mare may have her first foal by the age of three. Males are not able to breed until the age of five or six. Mares may give birth to one foal every twelve months. She nurses the foal for up to a year. Like horses, zebras are able to stand, walk and suckle shortly after they are born. A zebra foal is brown and white instead of black and white at birth.

Monday, October 3, 2011

About me

I'm Oriana Gallardo, my friends call me 'ori', I'm seventeen years old and I'm from VENEZUELA. I like go to shopping and buy a lot of clothes. I'm stay here, in NY, for 9 months. I wish learn English very fast to can come back home and start the university, I'm go to study Architecture because I like too much draw and design my own creations