Wednesday, February 8, 2012


When we listen the word "Job" the firts though that comes to mind is "well, that's something I have to do everyday I like it or not, owing to without working I won't have money so I couldn't survive", in the most cases.  The most people try to find a job wich love and enjoy working on that everyday because, can you imagine working all days in something you hate??? No way!! It's impossible..

Well, for me I'ts so important work in something really awesome because It will be my whole life. Now I'm a graduate and I'm not yet going to university but I'm going to start it next year. I chose the architecture career, It will last 5 years. Everybody tell me "this is a exhausting career, and also one of the most stressful", but I really don't care because I just want to be an ARCHITECT

In my opinion, not everyone can do this work. An architec have to be a responsible and clean person. The people that choose this job always are meticulous and hard-working because always you have to finish perfectly your job. Creativity and imagination should not fail for this work, the person who choose it have to be open-mind and very communicative and sociable in view that the architects have to be connected with the environment and the people who lives in it.

Talking about it, I think I can do it, or well I'll try. After end my career I want to do a master in other country, I was thinking in Italy because this country has an amazing and beautiful architecture and I really want to know all about it. And well, when I finish my studies, I wish start my own company with other specialist like engineers and constructors and then do a lot of awesome projects, obviously being I the official designer of everything. I would like to do differents designs like others and I know I'll work hard on it because It's my dream.

Also, I know this is a well-paid job and I love money. For me is satisfying and exciting do something that I love and where I get money, but firts there are many things that I have to improve, I have to be more organised and responsible and also be more open-mind as to the creativity, and I'm going to work on that to can fulfill my dream. I always think "In a future I'll be a recognized architect and I'll build at least one famous and amazing building, or something like that" haha!..